Saturday, February 1, 2014

RAOK #1, 2 & 3

While I actually began this quest just as soon as 2014 rolled in, I haven't taken any photos thus far or done any real documenting so in a way, I feel like I need to begin the count down with acts from today forward. Sooooooooo . . . . . let the RAOK begin folks!!

1.  I had a quiet evening because Liv & Jax went for an overnighter with  their friends, Mary & Emma. Thought it would be nice if my daughter came home to some of the housework being done and out of the way. Started Jax's laundry, changed his bed and laundered his blankets too. All that stuff laundered, folded, crib remade and stuff ready to be put away.

2. Really, all I have is time. I used some of that time to listen to a friend I love very much. I didn't do it for any reason other than LOVE. As a friend, that is how I roll.

3.  Today I also did  a RAOK for myself . . . ..I allowed myself to do some small things that help me to relax and let my hair down. Crocheting, watching a movie, playing with Jaxson.

While these are not out of the ordinary, I feel like I have a good start on my quest!!

Friday, January 31, 2014

2014, My 60th Year of Life!

Birthday #60 is this year, not till this summer but this year, nonetheless. Tell me it ain't so! How in the world can that much time possibly have passed? So many questions as I enter this decade of my life.

What am I passionate about? What are my priorities? Have I made a difference? What can I do to have an impact? Who would I like to reconnect with? How do I do that? Where would I like to go?

Ohhhhhh. . . . . there are a million and one questions on the tip of my tongue. The most important thing is that I've realized that I haven't kept the promise I made to myself on my 50th birthday. I promised me that I would make the 2nd set of 50 years I spend on this earth better than I spent the 1st set of 50 years. I have begun those changes but the progress has been slow. I WILL be the change that I want to see!!

To make this already long story short, I have decided to give myself the gift of doing (at minimum) 60 random acts of kindness between Jan. 1, 2014 and my birthday in June. I've had to make some decisions about what a random act of kindness is and what I'm capable of dedicating to that financially. There are so many free things that I find myself almost more excited about giving away the free stuff than "spending" anything to do a random act of kindness. At school, there are so many things I can "give away" that can make SUCH a tremendous difference in the life of a child . . . . a smile, a pat on the shoulder, a hug, a compliment. Always using my manners, doing an unexpected favor, surprising my classroom with something homemade to eat, sharing a life experience.

I feel like, for my kids and my grandboys I need to chronicle this effort. And I want to document it for me too, to have later to look back on and remember how it felt to reach this accomplishment. This documentation is not meant to be a pat on the back for me but rather an instrument to keep me accountable to myself and the world around me. I'll be sharing a verbal accounting, and when I can photos or videos too.

I hope any of you who choose to follow me will be blessed by that following in some sort of way. Thanking family and friends for loving me through these first 60 years . . . . . there's going to be 40+ more years for you to enjoy this eccentric, crazy, about-to-be-60 year old woman. Hang on! The next 5 months will be RAOK (Random Act Of Kindness) epic!!